Sunday, December 19, 2010


This has been a great week of running.  I logged in a total of 22.7 miles while following the Jack Daniels training plan.  I have noticed that my speed is starting to increase again.  The only bad part about this week is that I have been spending all of my time on the treadmill.  It's been cold and snowy here in Iowa and I don't like to run on the sidewalks after the first snow because people so lazy and don't understand how to use a shovel :).  That is one of my biggest pet-peeves.


Saturday, December 11, 2010

Everything is fine

I went to the Dr. yesterday and everything is fine!  I was having some issues with pain in my right lower leg and we came to the conclusion that I have a calf sprain.  I was so relieved I didn't have another stress fracture.  So, after hearing the good news I went to the gym and did a tempo run on the treadmill.   My run started off slow running with caution then I started to increase my speed and everything felt fine. I'm so glad everything is fine.

Talk to you later.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

It's been awhile

It's been awhile since I posted on this forum.  I really don't know how to use blogger or that much about blogging.  I really enjoy subscribing to all the different running blogs on this site and keeping up with everyones progress.  What got me started thinking about using blogger is Steve Runner.  I take his podcasts with me on all of my runs.  Ok... lets get back to my post.  I'm still running trying to back into the swing of things.  I was out with some injuries this year and that caused a change in my running practices.  I switched to a mid-foot style of landing and started using minimal style shoes (including the Virbum Five Fingers).  I started getting some pain in my right lower leg since the switch in running style.  So, I decided to take a couple of days off and see the doctor.  I hope everything is going to be ok and I can continue to keep running as planned.

Since I came back to running after my second stress fracture I am developing my base training using the Jack Daniels Running Formula.  I have been developing my base with the Red Formula section on the book.  My first month went very well.  I have been slacking with the second month due to the pain in my leg.  I have been taking it easy with 30 minute runs finishing with 6 strides.

Well I will post again very soon.

Keep running and someday we can meet at the finish line........
